"If Nothing Else, Fill The Cracks!" ( - Frank Mele Sr)
Along with proper drainage, crack filling is probably the single most important maintenance activity. A good time to do crack filling is when an asphalt structure is in fair to good condition. Most pavement distresses can be related to the intrusion of water into the pavement structure. If water is kept out of the pavement, the majority of distresses can be stopped or delayed. Crack filling is done with liquid asphalt and is considered temporary work.
Crack filling has two primary purposes:
1. To prevent the intrusion of water through the crack into the underlying pavement structure.
2. To prevent extraneous materials from entering the crack and causing further deterioration as the pavement expands and contracts with temperature changes.

M&M Asphalt neatly applies a heated, highway-grade sealant that forms a strong bond with the pavement, will not peel up or stick to shoes on a hot day, and remains flexible down to -14 degrees.
Cracks are filled using industry-leading Crafco Supershot systems, which are used by PennDOT and force more material down into the crack when compared to less expensive “hot pot” or “pour pot” methods used by our competitors.